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Mom on the Run: U.S. Marshals need your help!


The U.S. Marshals and the Kenner Police Department (Louisiana) need your help to find 38-year-old Rabia Khalid. Investigators say she abducted her non-custodial son, Abdul Aziz Khan, and disappeared around Thanksgiving six years ago. 

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U.S. Marshals’ wanted poster for Rabia Khalid.

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Aziz's new age progression image of what he may look like now.

Police strongly believe that Khalid is with Aziz living in plain sight, and they could be anywhere in the country by now. Can a new age progression image help find 13-year-old Aziz Khan?

This is what you need to know:

  • On Nov. 27, 2017, police say Khalid failed to show up for a custody hearing in Atlanta, Georgia. Instead, U.S. Marshals said she packed her bags and fled town with her then 7-year-old son, Aziz, and her new husband, Elliot Blake Bourgeois.

  • Khalid is described as being very smart and is an epidemiologist by trade. She has her master’s in public health. She could be actively employed or seeking work in the health field. 

  • If Khalid’s husband, Elliot Bourgeois, is traveling with Khalid and her son, the trio would be very recognizable. Elliot has red hair and while photos show him with a shaved head, he may have grown his hair out. Elliot has a background in neuroscience.

  • The couple has ties to Minneapolis, Boston, Philadelphia, California, Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky and Canada. 

If you have any information, please call NCMEC at 1-800-843-5678 or the U.S. Marshals at (504) 822-1111. You can also submit a tip here. To read more about the case, read our blog below.

Originally published 11-24-2021

On Nov. 27, 2017, just after Thanksgiving, Aziz Khan was allegedly abducted by his non-custodial mother, Rabia Khalid, from their home in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Aziz Khan at age 5.

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This age-progression, created by a forensic artist at NCMEC, shows what Aziz might look like today.

Aziz’s abduction happened after years of custody dispute between Aziz’s parents, Abdul and Rabia. The couple separated in 2014 and had shared custody of Aziz. Shortly after, Rabia moved with her son from New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia for a new job.

Abdul made sure he and Aziz spent as much time together as possible despite the over 400 miles of distance that separated them. “I made my whole work schedule around Aziz,” said Abdul. “I'd visit him every other weekend and I would bring him to New Orleans so he could be with his family.”

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Aziz with his father, Abdul.

For Abdul and his side of the family, the move was challenging but, in some ways, brought them closer together. “It taught us that we needed to value every second that we had with each other,” said Rubina Khan, Aziz’s paternal aunt. 

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Five-year-old Aziz Khan with his father, Abdul Khan.

But, according to Abdul, Aziz’s mom, Rabia, made it increasingly difficult over time for him to see Aziz. This sparked a new, bitter custody battle between Abdul and Rabia that went on for several years. According to the U.S. Marshals, when it became clear that Rabia would lose custody of Aziz, she and her new husband, Elliot Bourgeois, vanished, taking Aziz with them.

“There's no indication of where they went or how they went there,” said Abdul. “They deleted their accounts, they shut down their phones and they disappeared.” Since then, Rabia has been charged with felony kidnapping and the U.S. Marshals are investigating.

According to Deputy U.S. Marshal, Brian Fair, Rabia and her husband left their esteemed careers in the medical field, took Aziz out of school and seemingly vanished. “They did not show up at work one day, just out of the blue,” said Fair. “They fell off the map.”   

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Aziz’s non-custodial mother, Rabia Khalid.

Elliot Blake Bourgeois color picture
Elliot Blake Bourgeois black and white picture

Khalid’s husband, Elliot Blake Bourgeois faces no charges but law enforcement believes he may have information about the whereabouts of Khalid and Aziz.

Aziz’s family describes the last several years as devastating. “I don’t know if Aziz is safe or if he's happy,” said Abdul.

“We’ve really lost joy in my family. We don't really celebrate holidays as much,” said Aziz’s aunt, Rubina.

If anyone has information about Aziz Khan or Rabia Khalid’s whereabouts, they are urged to contact the Atlanta Police Department in Georgia at 1-404-658-6666 or the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST.

Aziz’s poster can be found here:

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Five-year-old Aziz Khan.